Tuesday, September 16, 2008


Do you ever just have that feeling in your head that if you sat for a long period of time and tried to think about anything at all, the only thing your brain would come up with is "huh???" For some reason that is me today--if this even makes sense. I had a relatively wonderful day today. Nothing bad happened. Everyone got along really well, so hence that constitutes a good day.

Craig did some more job searching. Still no luck. He did hear from Target that he has too much experience--go figure when every where else says that he doesn't have enough. It is the vicious cycle of job searching. Believe me, I know because I have been there before. That would be the reason why I am not working in a job that is related to what I went to school for. Those doors never opened for me. They will though, but I have a feeling that it eventually means more school.

I definitely love to cook, but cooked fried potatoes for the first time tonight. They turned out fairly well. Growing up my mother fixed more things like pasta; she wasn't a "southern" cooking mom. I also found out when I got home tonight that Coal literally had the poop scared out of him his morning. The maintenance person of our apartment community stopped by today to attempt to fix our fridge handle that has broken off. Craig was upstairs in the shower and didn't hear the maintenance guy come in. He got out of the shower to find a pile of poop waiting for him at the top of the stairs and Coal running up and down the stairs barking. So much for a guard dog! He was too afraid to go near the kitchen where the guy was at! LOL, for some reason it was too funny when I heard about it!


jet1960 said...

Sorry about Craig's job. You never did email or call me back to explain. Hope things turn around there.

I did finally post pictures of your painting. Sorry they are a little dark, but I couldn't seem to get a good picture with the flash.

Lots of love,

You realize you have posted twice already this month. One more and you will have a new monthly record!

Holly said...

WOW!!! Another post! I literally LOL when I read about Coal. I can actually vividly see him doing what he did...funny! :) Love you and hope you are having a great day!
