I sit here at home, sick, only to watch with disparity the elementary attitudes of "our" representatives as they neglected to pass some thing that could have helped the very people that blindly voted these greedy, whinny pompous morons in to office in the first place.
I watch as my husband's and my bank account dwindle as he can't find work. I assume that since apparently the political representatives do not think that our economy is in crisis and can fix itself with just a few painful years to us "lowly" workers on the bottom of the economic totom pole that if I spoke with the representative from my state that he would blame my husband and his "unwillingness" to search for a job as his reason for not finding one. To this I would literally spit in his face. I watched today as my husband applied to 30 jobs, yes I said 30. That number is just one day, I am not counting the past 4 months of searching. I am sure if I stopped people on the street that our circumstances would be the same as not only countless others in my community, but also millions of others in America, as well.
Where is the true America and what has it become? I suppose that we are seeing a result of our own greed. I suppose we are seeing the result of years and years of only caring for ourselves and not our community and our nation. Do our votes really count? I am beginning to wonder. I sit aside and watch as the real lives of people get pushed aside for political agenda. I sit aside and see a crisis that affects the fundamental needs required for us "everyday" Americans to function and live. Yet I see on tv another issue for these disgusting politicians to mangle into something that can win them another vote. Another vote for what I say? As we saw today, another vote for the representatives to waste. We as Americans watch debate after debate, news reports after news reports, pleading for American's to put aside our own personal views and vote for the "good of the American people, " yet the very people that ask us to do this can't put aside what party they are apart of to vote for the good of the people that got them their pocket padding jobs in the first place.
To say I am disgusted is probably an understatement. I sit and watch these men and women and their suits and wonder if they could make it in the life of a single mother with three kids who has to work three jobs just to be able to send her kids to the public school system that she pays for not only in her taxed wages at her minimum wage jobs, but also with her donation of time and money to the classrooms that each of her kids are in because that money taken from her wages isn't enough money to provide the teacher in each of those classrooms with the materials that are needed to give her kids a high quality education. Could these men and women make it in the life of the family whose father just got laid off because the economy? Could these men and women make it if they suddenly were disabled and forced to live off Social Security Disability? May be the question to ask isn't "could they," but "would they?"
And my final thought is if they wouldn't, then why are they asking us to?.........
AMEN!!!! This is very deep food for thought....I like your words and thoughts on this matter! Very well spoken and I agree!
WoW!! way to go! you are very right.
also, why didn't i know that you had this blogspot? ha!
I agree with Holly, very well spoken indeed. This country is in a mess and it is because of greed, both on the part of us and politicians, I believe.
BTW, I didn't know you had been sick. Notice as a Mom I zero in on that phrase. Also, you never visit my blog. I'm hurt.
September really? You gotta post more than that. I also need some shameless plugs on my blog.
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